Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A day at the beach!

So we discovered a new beach today with some friends, we are not sure what the name of it is everyone just calls it Dog Beach because everyone brings their dogs there...make sense. So we went with some of our teacher friends and their  children. There are just some small huts on the beach and then a massive beach. The waves were HUGE, too big for the kids to go in by themselves but we still had lots of fun and some of the adults went out.  The next day we all had to worse burns, (the adults, the kids were fine) we all applied sun screen but I forgot to apply to the tops of my legs after I took off my shorts, Brett forgot to do the back of his legs, and our other friends forgot her stomach.  Anyways here are some pictures from our trip!

Sister Amelia's

Sister Amelia
Well I had the pleasure of going to see an amazing place started by a nun named sister Amelia. It is a little piece of hope in the middle of Vienna, a very poor area in Luanda.  Sister Amelia is 79 years old and has been in Angola since 1996, she runs around the place like a 20 year old. She is the cutest little lady who loves to talk about all her adventures. Her place has both a Creche - which is a daycare of sorts. The day care cares for children from babies up to school age so that their mothers can go to work. Her place is also a nunnery where ladies in the community can become sisters if they choose. The place was impeccably clean and simple.  Enjoy the pics

The 2 year olds!

The grounds

The 3 year olds

and 4 yrs..