Well as you may have read in an earlier post my original garden flopped, there is nothing left of it and I have decided flowers will look better in that area anyways. So this weekend my lovely husband helped me put in a new garden! It is about 4 times the size of the first one and we planted: Potatoes, green beans, carrots, cucumbers, peas, sunflowers, cauliflower, a mango tree, an avocado tree, and an aloe vera plant. Heres hoping something grows.
Since moving here I have discovered a lot about myself. Two things have became very obvious to me: one I am not the best cook,and 2) I do not have a green thumb AT ALL. However, as I tell Ella everytime she becomes completely frustrated at not being able to do something good right away (like her latest frustration not being able to shoot hoops) ... you have to practice, practice, practice. Like they say it takes 10,000 hours of practicing something to become an expert. I will settle for competent which I am hoping take far less hours. I figure I have 3 years to become good at these 2 things, one I enjoy and the other I feel obligated to do or else we will starve (however sadly, sometimes starving is a better alternative).
You lucky readers get to watch my progress (hopefully), let me begin by showing you my current plant situation:
So this is an Aloe Vera plant that I transplanted. As Brett put it " No one can kill an Aloe plant ..." Well apparently I watered it too much and now it has turned brown. However one of our neighbours commented on how nice it looked and then I told him that it should actually be a nice shade of green, not brown. Apparently I am not the only one who know little on plants. |
So this is the new and improved flower bed. My vision is to have this area vibrant with lots of different flowers. Currently it has some dead ones and some okay ones and some that are still deciding if they want to die. |
This is one of my many rescue plants, yes I rescue plants from around our neighbourhood. Yes this is a true need, because many people have moved out and there is no one to water their plants so I gather them up and bring them back to my place so they will at least have a 50-50 chance of survival. The empty pot is a mango seed Ella and I planted about a week ago - no action on that one yet. |
Here is my soon to be Herb garden! I have basil, mint and lavender in there (not sure if lavender is a herb but I had the seeds so I planted it). |
Okay so this is the Frustrating thing. I have worked hours on planting and replanting everything and nothing grows, then Brett decided to put a tomato seed in this pot and it has sprouted up. I think it is about 3 or 4 weeks now and it grows about an inch or more a week. I have a love-hate relationship with this plant. Seriously it is his only contribution and look at it. Needless to say he excessively brags about his "magic touch" or as I like to call it his 2 year diploma in Land Rec. The other two are Ella's peach tree and Plum Tree she is growing...I don't have a lot of hope for those but you never know. |
My First SUCCESS !! While kind of. I bought this basil stem at the store - you know the bag of herbs you can get. But I put it in water and it grew roots so I transplanted it and hope that I get more. (yes, it came in a bunch, sadly this is the only one that survived my testing methods). |
We worked all day Sunday making the new garden and Brett lectured me nicely on how I have to water it everyday in the morning and maybe even at night, and use the sprinkler and then the hose in the middle, but not too much sprinkler because it will erode, but it is really important that they get the sprinkler because the seeds are on top now and if I only water the rows in between they wont get enough water....... Anyways I went out to water it this morning and notice that he had already watered it, .... I am thinking he doubts my ability a little.
Brett starting our new Garden!! |
Here it is almost finished...not too bad hey? |
my second aloe plant doing much better then his brother... I think this one thinks it escaped. |
Just though I would throw this one in for all you lady followers . Haha and because Brett loves it when I put pictures of him on the internet. |
All finished !!!! |
The happy gardeners! |
Anyways I think the garden looks great, but it is also kind of creepy because it looks a little like a grave yard, I am really hoping this is not symbolic of my gardens future.
That looks super guys, but yeah, total grave yard.
ReplyDeleteLisa the garden looks great,you guys did a super job am anxious to see its progress this will definately be a daily job for you, teamwork hey, amazing what one can get done. Well done Laydens