Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa

Monday, July 25, 2011

Weygoss Guest House

This is the place we are staying.

Well today we are gong to Entoto with my friend Jen and her little girl. Tegegn is down for a nap now and Ella and I are just working on her sowing. She is doing so good. I have never seen her focus on something for so long. She is making an elephant and is almost done.

We are pretty excited because Brett will be here in 2 days! It will be so nice to have someone to tag off on the poopie diapers. I am also excited because he is bring warmer cloths and deodorant. Not that I am not wearing any, it is just that I decided to use the all natural stuff before we came here, not the best  idea when you have to wearing the same clothes over and over again, not good.

Tegegn learned a new trick again the other day, yes  his sister taught him this one too. He now puckers up to give kisses and it is soooo cute. I cant wait to post a photo of it. He is also saying Moma, Dada, Ella, Anta, and hot. Ella thinks he has said a lot more but we will have to get that verified.

Hoping to hear about our MOWA letter today or tomorrow, send good thoughts our way!!!

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